
Final Fantasy Tactics: The best RPG you probably never played.

Warning: There are some vague spoilers ahead.

The Delita-ful cast...
Final Fantasy Tactics was released in Japan in 1997 and in the U.S. in 1998. It has only been officially available in Europe since 2007, a full ten years after its initial release. Even with the Final Fantasy name it was pretty easy to dismiss as Square's experimental take on the familiar turn based formula. Final Fantasy Tactics is well worth playing as it is, arguably, one of the best in the series.

The main draw of the Final Fantasy titles has always been the narrative, and Tactics has one of the strongest narratives of all the Final Fantasy games. It revolves around political intrigue and the differing sides during wartime. The story revolves around young Ramza Beoulve and his actions during the 'War Of The Lions'. Starting with the idea that history tends to be written by the winner and that, maybe, things should't always be taken at face value.

"Names don't matter. What's important is how you live your life." - Ramza Beoulve
Although the story is complex, it isn't convoluted. There are many different characters, but they drift in and out of Ramza's arc so it isn't too hard to keep on top of them all; there's even a description of every character encountered to refresh your memory if you get a little lost. Basically, anyone waiting for a true Game of Thrones game should play Final Fantasy Tactics as there are betrayals, power grabs, and deceptions. Ramza stands alone fighting for true justice, showing that although heroic actions may not be recognized they are necessary regardless of fame or reward.

Ramza grows over the events of the game, one of very few videogame protagonists to have an actual character arc. Rather than overcoming an ordeal, or uniting a group against evil, Ramza starts as an inexperienced squire oblivious to the world, but as each chapter passes he grows as the events around him shape his personality and influence his future actions (his character sprite changes multiple times to reflect this). Although he goes through many changes, he is one of the few characters to stay true to his ideals.

"You are still a child... a child who does not see the world for what it is. A man does not turn his back on truth. A man accepts it, and walks the path he must." - Goffard Gaffgarion
It is the characters' dialogue that sets Final Fantasy Tactics apart from its peers. Take this speech given by Wiegraff Folles:

"Governments falsify history only so it favours them. But you can't blame them. Because people always hope for a 'miracle'. Endlessly complaining, lazy, nuisances... that's what the masses really are. Governments give the people what they want... and history repeats itself. Governments might well have taken advantage of their insecurity... but then again, people are satisfied being used... 'God' is nothing but an image created out of their insecurity. It's their fault for knowing they're comfortably numb, and not doing anything about it."

Every piece of dialogue has a purpose, just as every action a character takes has a consequence. Again, take another line from Wiegraff as an example: "A small stone may only make a small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." There are countless examples of exceptionally written dialogue, but Ramza's interactions with Wiegraff are some of the best.

Ramza: Then you were a warrior who fought to make your dream reality. Now you are only a thrall of the Church.
Wiegraf: What troubled sleep have you known, to speak of my dreams? No matter how sweet, a dream left unrealized must fade into day.

Wiegraff Folles - The fallen hero.
The beauty of Final Fantasy Tactics' narrative is that it shows that there are multiple sides in war; each characters' actions have purpose and motive. Some are horrendous, some noble. Some are simple tales of revenge, others are complex gambits with many moving parts and deceptions. It shows that although there is good and evil, there's not just good and evil. 

Final Fantasy Tactics is worth playing for any RPG, strategy, or Game of Thrones fan; it is quite simply the best game you probably never played. 

It is available on GooglePlay, iTunes and PSP.

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