Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods and The Year of the Kraken

Big changes are afoot.
The Year of the Kraken is here and Hearthstone has undergone its biggest change yet; ranked mode is now split between 'Standard' and 'Wild'.

'Standard' mode will only allow players to play with decks containing cards from the "current and previous calendar year" and, of course, the basic and classic cards. This means that cards from  'Wild' will allow cards from any expansion. Similar to Magic the Gathering, a yearly change to the viable cards in 'Standard' play will ensure the meta doesn't stagnate. The Curse of Naxxramas adventure has also been removed; the cards are still available for crafting, but will only be playable in 'Wild' mode.

Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins vs Gnomes will not be part of Standard. When we release the first new Expansion each year, every set that wasn’t released in the same year or the year prior will cycle out and no longer be part of the Standard format.

A much needed nerf.
What does it all mean though?

This is essentially a way for Blizzard to remove the two expansions from competitive play without a huge community uproar. The release of the first expansions, Naxxramas and Goblins vs Gnomes, resulted in an irreversible shift away from how the game was played. The expansions have pushed Hearthstone into a fast paced, burst-based, aggressive direction that has defined the meta since its introduction. To put it simply, the expansion cards were far stronger than the basic/classic set and there was no clear way to slow the meta down. Everyone has experienced the turn seven Dr.Boom.

It is no coincidence that much of the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion is geared towards late game play with the nerfs to the burst combo of charge cards, late game removal, and silences.

Goodbye Druid Combo.
Only time will tell the impact that the Whispers of the Old Gods will have on the meta-game, but it is hard to argue against the new standard mode. It will ensure Hearthstone won't stagnate without the usual power creep associated with card games. Bring on the Year of the Kraken!

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