Get Dunked: Dota Tuesdays

The Wolf, the Butterfly and the Bear

This article contains spoilers of the match between No Tidehunter and Fnatic in the group stage of the Dreamhack Invitational.

In light of the deciding game between No Tidehunter and Fnatic in the Dreamhack Invitational (link to the game), the first instalment of Dota Tuesdays will look at the importance of item builds and how crucial they are to success within Dota 2.

When watching Fnatic's victory over No Tidehunter, the game seemed to hinge around a series of ‘lucky’ bashes and entangles, resulting in an incredible comeback by Fnatic from almost certain defeat at the hands of No Tidehunter. The item builds of both Trixi and Era in particular, however, show that Fnatic's triumph had very little to do with luck, and more to do with carefully considered purchases that directly countered both Loda and Admiral Bulldog’s respective item builds.

Lone Druid (Bear) Items - Hand of Midas, Armlet of Morrdiggian, Skull Basher, Phase Boots, Quelling Blade, Assault Cuirass.
On paper, Abyssal Blade seems like a no brainer on an agility carry such as Anti-Mage, with high attack speed meaning a higher chance to bash and a guaranteed 2 second stun through Bkb, which Era had purchased. On reflection, however, Abyssal seems to be regarded as the weak link in Loda's build for two main reasons. The first is that illusions cannot bash, meaning Abyssal Blade and Manta Style have very little synergy. One of Anti-Mage's great strengths is that his illusions share mana drain. Purchasing a Manta Style, as Loda did, leads to more mana drained, resulting in more damage from his ultimate. A Heart of Tarrasque would have benefited Anti-Mage's illusions far more than Abyssal Blade, as the health and strength bonus from Heart would have been shared. The second is that Abyssal Blade is a wasted purchase within No Tidehunter's line-up. The problem with choosing Abyssal Blade is that only Era’s Lycan had magic immunity and No Tidehunter already had 2 ways of disabling him, irrespective of the Abyssal Blade, with Nature’s Prophet’s Sprout and Batrider’s Lasso. An Abyssal Blade on an agility carry provides a reliable stun, or perma-bash, on a single target. Against a Lycan, wolves, Necronomicon units, a Lone Druid and his bear, however, a single target disable doesn’t add a great deal to survivability.

The lack of synergy within Loda’s item build is made more apparent with the almost perfect synergy between Era and Trixi (the repeated use of synergy is not a pun I swear, that would be terrible, it’s just the best word for the job). Even ignoring the benefit of Lycan’s howl on the bear and other units, the choice of Necronomicon was great. The truesight offered instantly made Admiral Bulldog’s Shadow Blade virtually worthless, and the mana drain a nice bonus against supports; the cheap, simple purchase of a Quelling Blade by Trixi removed the disable offered by the Nature’s Profit sprout while the late pickup of Boots of Travel on Lycan countered the possibility of split push or back-dooring. Era also showed excellent judgement in purchasing a desolator on Lycan against an Anti-Mage, maximising Lycan’s physical damage while bypassing Anti-Mage’s inherent magic resistance due to spell shield.

Then there was the Skull Bashers, the stacking of attack speed, the Butterfly and the entangles…

A Butterfly on an Anti-Mage is almost never a bad item choice and in this case it wasn’t a bad choice. Usually Monkey King Bar (Mkb) is the obvious counter to evasion, but Fnatic didn’t go for an Mkb because they knew they’d be able to lock Loda down by stacking attack speed and relying on bashes and entangles from the spirit bear. It wasn’t luck that by the end of the game Trixi had a Skull Basher, Assault Cuirass and an Armlet of Mordiggian completed on the bear, and it was these 3 items that guaranteed Fnatic’s victory more than any other. Armlet on the bear is a popular choice because the spirit bear doesn’t suffer from the health drain per second when active, permanently gaining the extra attack speed and damage. The Assault Cuirass not only gave bonus attack speed and armour to those around him, but also provided minus armour against all of No Tidehunter and most importantly Loda’s Anti-Mage. The synergy (sorry) with Lycan having Skull Basher and Desolator (plus the damage aura from Vlads) mean that when Anti-Mage was either (inevitably) bashed by Lycan, bashed by the bear, or entangled by the bear (as Skull Basher stacks with entangle), the lack of armour meant he was going to go down hard and fast.

Recipe for Success: The Importance of Item Builds

As the game between No Tidehunter and Fnatic shows the importance of item choices within Dota 2 cannot be understated. If there’s one thing taken from the match it’s that item choices need to be flexible, rather than rigidly following the default item guides within the game as they are only that; a guide. If no-one is buying wards, for example, and even though you’re not ‘meant’ to be getting them, buy them anyway; if you’re playing against a hero like Zeus or another hero with high magic damage, buy a hood or pipe. Carefully consider your item build and look at what your opponents are buying, which heroes they are playing and how they are playing them and adjust your build accordingly.  

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